Saturday, December 27, 2008

new year

finally! my mom personally requested me to go back to perak after new year hahaha
so new year plan? maybe genting with nik and his friends or just lepak KL with farn. hurrmm

Friday, December 26, 2008


asal do?
bag tak kemas lagi,
ahad nak balik perak dah,
class start selasa ni,
tak abes burn cd lagu lagi,
tak abes lepak dgn semue orang lagi,
tak decide nak new year kat mana lagi,

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

dunhill, i'm sorry

quit smoking? is that a good thing to do? i know it is, and seriously nak sangat but how?

for once, this feelings datang bukan because people around me suruh or anything happen but tibe2 terasa macam nak stop. nak try life without smoking pulak. nak rasa life lepas mkn macam mana if tak smoke or nak rasa lepak mamak ramai2 tgk bola without smoking.

ade je orang lain yang dah bertahun tahun smoke but then berhenti. i know its hard but they finally manage to control their self, why i tak boleh pulak kan.

i will try one day. bila everything sounds right and my feelings pun dah tak ada kat dunhill. then i will stop. wish me luck ;)