what a meaningful holidays or you can say it semester break. i had fun. lots of fun. somehow i learned to appreciate my family so much, my cousins (abok, bala and akoy) you all the best! thank you guys for cheering me up. and not to forget friends, im nothing without you guys, farn omar liy and those VI clicks, friends for ever weyh. and atiqah keroden, finally jumpe jugak you. i think after 2 years kot you menghilang, and now baru jumpe. nvm nanti i turun penang dgn fieda i dtg melawat you ok?

akoy, bala me abok and kamal

atiqah keroden
finally, here comes 2009. well im proud to say that im already 20 now! weyh dah tue tu! haha no more belas2 dah. sekarang main angka 2 pulak :) well, turn out to be my new year eve mcm menarik pulak. jumpe nik and baharurrazi (my primary best friends), baby-D (ahaha sorry farn), oleaf, faris, liy, alia, elfa and jasmin. semue tak plan langsung but along the way ade je muke2 ni semue. muke yang tak tau nak duduk rumah time new year eve, oh accept for you baby-D haha. i dengan farn have to call you so many times and paksa you keluar baru nak kluar. ceh sombong! ;p but terasa gay pulak bile betol2 new year eve mercun tgh berdetum-detum, i tgh dlm kereta dgn farn depan rumah baby-D (again sorry farn!). oh and we guys dah mcm, "asal do new year aku tgk muke kau! hahaha" but after that lepak dgn liy and her friends kat nan corner. liy, you spray masuk dlm lobang telinga i you tau tak! heh

alia, liy and syaiton!
what do i learned from 2008? i dont know. banyak gak ar bende. friends bring me to new kind of life. close friends always there for me when i need them. cousins always the best buddy i can ask for when im in the mood for gila-gila or emo. family? expect the unexpected! siblings, there is nothing can tare us apart, love you guys so much weyh and especially you wahida, you are a quick learner i can see. hahaha we had fun aite this holiday? stay cool and soon i'll bring you out and hang out with my best buddies pulak.
im going back to perak tomorrow, ok la not tomorrow, later at 10 something. new semester has already started but buat otai tak nak balik haha. i miss my friends there, acap, haikal, pope and panjang i'll meet you soon then kite borak2 cite panjang ok? funny to say this but i miss food kat perak, haha pelik, dulu sumpah gila tak nak makan makanan sana but now terbalik pulak.
guys, thank you for the happy-awesome-superb year. we learn to forgive and forget but we among us will never forget each other. farn omar and liy, when i had my family problems, thank you guys for being there for me. i owe you guys a lot! i'll do anything to repay it back.
so this is the end i guess, i might not be able to write anytime soon because internet kat perak only god knows why mcm haram lembab. till then, take care. cao
akoy, bala me abok and kamal
atiqah keroden
finally, here comes 2009. well im proud to say that im already 20 now! weyh dah tue tu! haha no more belas2 dah. sekarang main angka 2 pulak :) well, turn out to be my new year eve mcm menarik pulak. jumpe nik and baharurrazi (my primary best friends), baby-D (ahaha sorry farn), oleaf, faris, liy, alia, elfa and jasmin. semue tak plan langsung but along the way ade je muke2 ni semue. muke yang tak tau nak duduk rumah time new year eve, oh accept for you baby-D haha. i dengan farn have to call you so many times and paksa you keluar baru nak kluar. ceh sombong! ;p but terasa gay pulak bile betol2 new year eve mercun tgh berdetum-detum, i tgh dlm kereta dgn farn depan rumah baby-D (again sorry farn!). oh and we guys dah mcm, "asal do new year aku tgk muke kau! hahaha" but after that lepak dgn liy and her friends kat nan corner. liy, you spray masuk dlm lobang telinga i you tau tak! heh
alia, liy and syaiton!
what do i learned from 2008? i dont know. banyak gak ar bende. friends bring me to new kind of life. close friends always there for me when i need them. cousins always the best buddy i can ask for when im in the mood for gila-gila or emo. family? expect the unexpected! siblings, there is nothing can tare us apart, love you guys so much weyh and especially you wahida, you are a quick learner i can see. hahaha we had fun aite this holiday? stay cool and soon i'll bring you out and hang out with my best buddies pulak.
im going back to perak tomorrow, ok la not tomorrow, later at 10 something. new semester has already started but buat otai tak nak balik haha. i miss my friends there, acap, haikal, pope and panjang i'll meet you soon then kite borak2 cite panjang ok? funny to say this but i miss food kat perak, haha pelik, dulu sumpah gila tak nak makan makanan sana but now terbalik pulak.
guys, thank you for the happy-awesome-superb year. we learn to forgive and forget but we among us will never forget each other. farn omar and liy, when i had my family problems, thank you guys for being there for me. i owe you guys a lot! i'll do anything to repay it back.
so this is the end i guess, i might not be able to write anytime soon because internet kat perak only god knows why mcm haram lembab. till then, take care. cao