Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
this is crap
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
baby finally back home
i have this one thought nk jual my camera with my zoon lense semue but after i did some homework and ask around my friends semue tak jadi jual pulak. it's better for me to hold my d40 je. but at the same time try to collect rm3k then buy a new model d90 terus. so at lease i have one backup body camera. woish, mana nak cari duit! dah la pocket money kene potong ni. hayoo
tapi seriously, i dont want to sell my camera. sorry buyers2 yang dah beratur panjang haha. sayang gile babi oh. i can make a statement that my camera is my first wife and and my car is the second. ni semue bende2 hidup dan mati. tak ada gundah gulana hidup haha.
so the conclusion is. no more selling camera. im happy with my d40 and i will live with it sampai dapat collect duit beli d90!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
dream hair
gosh, i need some sleep
London and Stamford Bridge, HERE I COME!
i cant even believe myself when my mom said, "book la ticket sekarang before promotion abes". woow finally, the ticket is confirmed! im flying to london this 10th of December until 31st of December. the best part is im going there with my friends! weyh tak sabar do. byk bende kene setting ni. perkara wajib=nk tgk bola time boxing day hehe. thank god stamford bridge dekat dgn london. woooo! come on chelsea! come on chelsea!
ok2 ill start from the beginning. haikal(my classmate) asked me nak follow pegi london end of this year or not. london? mesti la nk do! tapi mana nk dapat duit beli ticket and tempat tinggal semue kan. but thank god his uncle tinggal sana because he is currently working with petronas bahagian yang ade kene mengena dgn student affairs tu. so practically hospitality covered!
so now tinggal ticket je and just now i told my mom that air asia(promote sikit) ticket price to london around 2+++. tanpa segan silu, bertalu2 soalan ditanya. nk tinggal mana, sape ade, buat ape semue tapi pasal kehendak diri nak pegi sgt so semue soalan dijawab dengan penuh tabah. sampailah ayat terakhir beliau, "book la ticket sekarang before promotion abes". wahahahaha tangan pun pantas bukak laptop book ticket.
well, from now on pocket money akan direducekan. ahh tak kesah, janji sampai london. mkn tak mkn tu belakang cerita. kat sana nk tido kat train station pun tak kesah janji camera ade :) gosh i really cant wait! ok imagine this, im going there after my fifth semester. which is after that tinggal my final year. oh god, memang diploma show aku gambar2 london la. sorry mate! Hahaha
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
tak ada apa yang perlu di-update kalau hidup memang sentiasa penuh dengan assingments dan gundah-gulana pancaroba hidup. sebulan je lagi lepas tu boleh enjoy 2 bulan cuti :) the worst part is kalau complain kat mama mesti die ckp "alah student, biasa la tu". ceh! nak mengadu pun susah.
this sunday im planing something nice with my friends. meronda2 road trip pegi kelantan. nice kan :) yeah i know, eventho kelantan but still ade bende jugak nak buat. the main objective of going there: shooting!. now we are trying to appriciate the phorographer's life. tak payah study? hahaha then next week ade desas desus nak pegi penang pulak! atiqah keroden here i come hehe
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
long week
"ok next week hantar gambar yang korang shoot single tu, ada critic session" dang!
yeah memang best. keje ape pun tak siap lagi. two days left, rabu dgn khamis je. jumaat dah ade trip to bukit merah. heh