Wednesday, December 31, 2008

good bye 08' and welcome 09'

what a meaningful holidays or you can say it semester break. i had fun. lots of fun. somehow i learned to appreciate my family so much, my cousins (abok, bala and akoy) you all the best! thank you guys for cheering me up. and not to forget friends, im nothing without you guys, farn omar liy and those VI clicks, friends for ever weyh. and atiqah keroden, finally jumpe jugak you. i think after 2 years kot you menghilang, and now baru jumpe. nvm nanti i turun penang dgn fieda i dtg melawat you ok?

akoy, bala me abok and kamal

atiqah keroden

finally, here comes 2009. well im proud to say that im already 20 now! weyh dah tue tu! haha no more belas2 dah. sekarang main angka 2 pulak :) well, turn out to be my new year eve mcm menarik pulak. jumpe nik and baharurrazi (my primary best friends), baby-D (ahaha sorry farn), oleaf, faris, liy, alia, elfa and jasmin. semue tak plan langsung but along the way ade je muke2 ni semue. muke yang tak tau nak duduk rumah time new year eve, oh accept for you baby-D haha. i dengan farn have to call you so many times and paksa you keluar baru nak kluar. ceh sombong! ;p but terasa gay pulak bile betol2 new year eve mercun tgh berdetum-detum, i tgh dlm kereta dgn farn depan rumah baby-D (again sorry farn!). oh and we guys dah mcm, "asal do new year aku tgk muke kau! hahaha" but after that lepak dgn liy and her friends kat nan corner. liy, you spray masuk dlm lobang telinga i you tau tak! heh

alia, liy and syaiton!

what do i learned from 2008? i dont know. banyak gak ar bende. friends bring me to new kind of life. close friends always there for me when i need them. cousins always the best buddy i can ask for when im in the mood for gila-gila or emo. family? expect the unexpected! siblings, there is nothing can tare us apart, love you guys so much weyh and especially you wahida, you are a quick learner i can see. hahaha we had fun aite this holiday? stay cool and soon i'll bring you out and hang out with my best buddies pulak.

im going back to perak tomorrow, ok la not tomorrow, later at 10 something. new semester has already started but buat otai tak nak balik haha. i miss my friends there, acap, haikal, pope and panjang i'll meet you soon then kite borak2 cite panjang ok? funny to say this but i miss food kat perak, haha pelik, dulu sumpah gila tak nak makan makanan sana but now terbalik pulak.

guys, thank you for the happy-awesome-superb year. we learn to forgive and forget but we among us will never forget each other. farn omar and liy, when i had my family problems, thank you guys for being there for me. i owe you guys a lot! i'll do anything to repay it back.

so this is the end i guess, i might not be able to write anytime soon because internet kat perak only god knows why mcm haram lembab. till then, take care. cao

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


semalam aku rasa mimpi dlm mimpi. ok let me explain it to you.

i have this one problem where if everything around me went very well and perfectly in order, then suddenly i will say to myself "asal best sgt nih, mcm mimpi je?!" then suddenly memang betol bangun dari mimpi. hack! maybe my life is so misserible until bende2 ni betol2 jadi. haha

ok, but the problem is. this morning when i said the 'magic word' still tak bangun, ok la i woke up but still in my deam. arhh! paham an?! so when the first time i used the word i ingatkan that dah bangun so i enjoy my life as it were la kan. but thank god omar called me in real life and this time baru bangun betol2.

arhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... mcm mana nak put in words ni!!! paham2 sendiri la. bye

Monday, December 29, 2008

say yes!

..then maybe one day my luck will turn out to be better. who knows? haha

Saturday, December 27, 2008

new year

finally! my mom personally requested me to go back to perak after new year hahaha
so new year plan? maybe genting with nik and his friends or just lepak KL with farn. hurrmm

Friday, December 26, 2008


asal do?
bag tak kemas lagi,
ahad nak balik perak dah,
class start selasa ni,
tak abes burn cd lagu lagi,
tak abes lepak dgn semue orang lagi,
tak decide nak new year kat mana lagi,

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

dunhill, i'm sorry

quit smoking? is that a good thing to do? i know it is, and seriously nak sangat but how?

for once, this feelings datang bukan because people around me suruh or anything happen but tibe2 terasa macam nak stop. nak try life without smoking pulak. nak rasa life lepas mkn macam mana if tak smoke or nak rasa lepak mamak ramai2 tgk bola without smoking.

ade je orang lain yang dah bertahun tahun smoke but then berhenti. i know its hard but they finally manage to control their self, why i tak boleh pulak kan.

i will try one day. bila everything sounds right and my feelings pun dah tak ada kat dunhill. then i will stop. wish me luck ;)

Friday, December 19, 2008

to do

i need new clothes for class.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


results finally out. it was not as good as what i want it to be. from 2.1 naik 3.57 and now turun balik 2.63. well to be honest, i am happy with my results. second year not that hard but i have earnt what i should get. tak payah nak menyesal or menangis semue if dah study gila-gila sampai tak tido malam, habis duit ikat perut for final projects and sampai demam time exam week, redha je la ape dpt pun kalau dah macam tu. now i only can blame myself because take everything for granted. class mls nak dtg or bila dah balik KL malas nak balik perak balik. i do admit during my third sem there are so many things happened until at one time dah rasa mcm nak stop study. thank god, eveything went well.

new semester will start anytime soon. now i can not wait to 'redeem' back all my pointer yang banyak habis tu. the only target for now, grad with 3.5 and above and believe me i know i can. i just have to push myself a bit hard like what i did time second sem. and when i finally finish my diploma with 3.5 and above, i want to fly for good. wish me luck.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


sekarang ni macam dah jadi trend. kalau dah abes spm mesti ramai yang nak masuk arts stream. ade yang nak buat graphic design la, photography la, fashion la, industry design la dan mcm2 lagi. aku tak marah, aku tak bangkang dan aku tak cela korang yang nak buat ni semue. even aku sendiri pun buat diploma in photography skarang. 

tapi masalah nye aku marah kat orang2 yang pandang kiteorang ni macam sampah. sakit hati aku kalau orang tanye "kau blajar ape skarang?" aku jawab ar "ambik dip in photography" then boleh pulak nak menyebok hal orang cakap " oh, boleh cari keje ke nanti, later on kalau aku nak kawen kau boleh tlg ambik gambar la ar eh". agak2 la der, kau ingat ape kau blajar medic?  engineering? architect? law? tu semue bagus sangat! tgk, kau nak kawen pun cari aku tau tak!

nak cakap pasal keje and gaji frankly speaking aku ckp aku tak pandang keje korang langsung. we even can earn better than you all and kiteorang tak payah nak bangun pagi masuk keje pukul 8, habis pukul 5-7. mcm tak ade life, cube korang pikir monday to friday korang keje pagi sampai ptg then balik rumah makan dgn anak bini lepas tu tgk tv then kene tido dah pasal esok kene keje. sengal, dgn life kat KL skarang ni aku rasa kalau kau hidup mcm tu lagi baik kau pindah pegi hulu je la.

get a life man, we know what we are doing. we know where these kind of courses can lead us into. we know we can live happier in the future better than you all. yes, i do admit our course susah nak cari keje. only the best will stay but hack, this is our life. so please mind your own business.

to those yang seriously thinking about taking arts stream in the future, please dont do it because korang nak market, korang nak up, korang nak jalan2 pegang camera and then pretend like you're a good photographer etc. if you have talent, minat and gila babi ambitious nak change arts skarang ni, then go ahead and if not please think again. 

life as a photography students memang susah, aku even pernah fight dgn bapak aku nak ambik arts. aku ckp kat parents aku senang je, aku tak nak jadi balaci nanti. like what i've said before, aku tk nak bangun pagi pegi keje then balik pun kadang2 dah mlm then kene tido balik pasal esok kene keje. aku tau kalau aku ambik arts aku boleh lead cara hidup aku sendiri, aku boleh travel around the world ambik gambar and even get paid by doing that. dunia dah lain, dunia dah berubah, dunia dah tak mcm korang ingat masa kecik2 dulu. 

sorry for those yang terasa kalau bace blog ni, aku lagi terasa dgn ape cara korang pikir. 

Thursday, December 11, 2008


how do you pick up the treads of an old life? how you go on and your heart began to understand.. there is no going back. there are something that time cannot mean. some hurts that goes too deep.. that have taken hole.

wisdom tooth

sakit sangat. macam nak demam. pening kepala. badan sakit. oh god

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


i hate the part when cullen first appearance in the movie. the girls dah mcm "awww!!". damn. love the movie don't love the actor.


Monday, December 8, 2008


i just discover that name moyang aku punye bapak is YAKOB. haha well those yang tinggal kat kedah, area somewhere in jitra or alor star, and their moyang punye bapak name is YAKOB. we might be related ;)


fadhli, sopek and iskandar. those are among the names that you have to try to avoid if nak melepak. 24 jam keje nak bahan orang je. and point untuk membahan came from those days time kat VI. yeah i do admit we all have great memories when we was in high schools but spending my time with these guys now, i wonder if those are sweet memories or bad memories? haha but i do admit they are good friends of mine.

i spend most of my time at home today. pagi pegi solat raya then balik makan tido ;) hey what else you can do time raya. the first day of raya memang bosan ok. tunggu orang datang beraya, kalau ada orang datang ar kan kalau tak memang lagi tido je la. haha then few of my friends came and we had some of my mom's good food. then this is the part where you wish you can turn back the time because time membahan dah bermula. well the good part of it, we had a great time. those memories kat VI only we know how it feels. orang luar kalau join memang haram tak paham.

few more days to go until my results keluar. oh god, i wish that tak ade la paper yang kantoi.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

horror movie

these days horor movie dah mcm tak horror dah. aku baru habis tgk 'PULSE'.
imagine this, how can a ghost be created from a wavelength? then accidentally ade orang nak buat frequency baru terjumpe this wavelength and all of this ghost masuk dalam computer.
guess what, the only way to stop the ghost is pegi tempat yang tak ade signal phone.
am i blind or this movie is really really stupid?

p/s: 'quarantine' is much more better

anyways, selamat hari raya ;)

reign over me

either we relies it or not each and every one of us needs help. there are part of our life that we purposely do not want to remember. either we erase it, we smash it or we say to our self that in this particular moment i did not do this. why can this happen? the truth is, we as a human being and full with sins did things that we wish we never did. the thing is how do we recover or bring our self to get over this matter. some of us might just leave it and just go on with their own life, but some of us might not.

reign over me. a title of a movie that i just bought the dvd few days ago and i just finished watched it few seconds before i write this blog. it is a good movie. this my friend, a movie of life. story like this we cannot show or write for others to understand. story like this only can be understand by who have gone through it. i must say, two thumbs up for this movie.

oh btw, i'm hyad. this blog would be the new chapter of my life. this would be my story. this would be the journal whenever i decide to tell something nice, horrible, disgusting or funny thing about my life. forget about the past. this blog will only tells you about the presents and the future. maybe i do not have much time to write but hell, i will try my best.