Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Thursday, October 29th 2009..

i only have one week left to prepare my self for my finals. i used to hate final but this sem mcm happy pulak. i learned a lot this sem. thanks to my lecturers and friends. food photography, still life, fine art photography and video this sem memang cun. thanks to those who helps, jasa mu akan dikenang. now, i cant wait for my final year next semester. bring it on!

i learned that life is not that bad after all. stop bordering all the small things and focus on your job, it will turn out to be just fine. it is true what people said, 'less is more' kan?

October almost over, and november just around the corner but december not far away.. so does london. i cant wait for my euro trip. this will be a legendary trip.. ever. fullstop